Saturday, January 8, 2011

laundry list of issues

Today is laundry day.

oooooh, bring on the pain.

This time, not only did I have to wash all my clothes and all of The Boyfriend's clothes (which, I'd like to let it be known that he has something like 4 times more clothes than I do. I survive with maybbe two loads of laundry. He fills up three baskets of all different things. what does he do? Come back and change four times after I leave? jeez) I also had to wash my work uniform. Its more complicated than it seems, I promise.

-The shirts have to air dry, otherwise they will shrink. (They're already the size of childrens shirts. How much smaller could the possibly get?!) They also have to have bleach poured onto the under arms in case stains may be present, but NEVER on the owl. (good god.)
-The nylons have to be washed by hand. (ew...I refuse to elaborate on that.)
-The shorts must be washed BY THEMSELVES (there are only three of them, so theres one load) and must air dry (somehow the dryer manages to make them fuzzy and turn them a peach color. Sorry Dryer, but Hooters wants my ass to look like a huge orange, not a peach. who knew.)
-The pouches must also be washed and starched (starched? are you serious? Do you think they're going to blow in the wind in the almost always empty hooters and show off the fact that i have a vagina? I assure you, all the guys that eat there already know that fact. and your ass-crack inducing shorts don't really keep much to the imagination)

so anyways, I brought 3 baskets of laundry. I washed, hung up, starched and dried all that apply and just now, went to unload the very last load. something stopped me. There was a very obvious lack of room for the last load of The Boyfriends clothing. 3 full baskets surrounding me, all of which were mostly overflowing, and I'm standing there looking like an idiot with a load of socks and collared shirts hanging off of me like drapes. I guess the point of this post is this:

How the HELL do I start off with three baskets and end up needing a fourth?? Does dirty clothing somehow take up less space than clean ones? or is every inanimate object I own just fucking with me?

ugh. time for the hour drive back to macon and a 10 am shift at Hooters tomorrow (woohoo!). wish me luck and tips!

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