Monday, January 17, 2011

Today is my first day off this week and just happens to be the day after my mock shop at Hooters. Mock shop is basically exactly what it sounds like. Basically, a manager sits at one of my tables and I wait on him, pretending he is a customer. Depending on the manager, its really not that difficult, assuming you can put aside the fact that he is judging your every action and word and will be assigning a score to it all. In my case, I assumed I'd be serving Mr. Not So Slick but fortunately, we recently hired a new manager. He was very nice and once I delivered his food to him, he packed it up and handed it straight back to me as my lunch.

guess who's my favorite manager?!

Anyways, I passed the test and since it was already almost 8 at nightt, my manager went ahead and cut me. I'd been there since 10 that morning so I was entirely grateful to be able to leave early. However, instead of going straight home and changing out of the uniform, I met The Boyfriend at a friends house to watch a few episodes of Dexter and then went home.

Maybe I shouldn't keep saying "home". The place I keep going to every night is actually The Boyfriends house. I live in a small apartment by myself and so every night I end up sleeping at his house. Maybe its because I hate being alone, maybe I love him so much that I hate be away from him or maybe its a little of both. Who knows. However, a few nights ago, The Boyfriend and I got into a small "spat.". I told him I was wanting a dog and that I'd found a weimeraner mix named axel at a local shelter. He got upset, said no because the dog would be at his house constantly to which I replied that it would be at my house with me. That once I pay next months rent, ill be forced to stay at my house otherwise paying rent would be pointless. I made a joke that unless he asked me to move in with him, I'd be going home rather often. His reply was "ok"

I'm sorry...what?!
My instant thinking was "did he just day 'no you can't get a dog' and thenn ask me to move in? Because that's what it sounded like. Anyways, in a dazed rush, I tweeted that he The Boyfriend had asked me to move in. in any case, The Boyfriend somehow found the link to my twitter and read that tweet. While I was washing dishes we got into a big fight over texting with him saying he hadn't asked me to move in and me countering with saying that I knew that, and when I sent the tweet I was confused. I knew better now. after we both said some mean things, we let it go and once I got home everything seemed to be forgotten. It was a case of misunderstanding and we both accepted it. And anyways, we love each other too much for something like that to tear us apart.

Well, My friend Melissa is coming into town and were going to check out some shelters and the pound in my ever ongoing search for a puppy. This where I bid you goodbye, until next post ;)

1 comment:

  1. Me and my sister are twins and we were wondering if we should both go in to apply for hooters?or should we go in separate? What should we wear?
