Tuesday, January 4, 2011

No sefl Respect?

In the past few days, I recieved a few less-than-courteous letters due to my choice of employment. I would like to address those here.

It seems to be that a good many of you think that my working at Hooters is a sure sign that I have little to no self respect. I can assure you it is not. I have plenty of respect for myself. I respect myself enough to know when I need a job and jump at a chance to make good money. I also respect myself enough to not let your words of discouragement...well...discourage me. I know that this is a choice not many young women would make and I understand that. However, for you to assume that every woman or young lady who works at hooters has no confidence and sees her self in very little light is a bit hypocritical, dont you think? You urge me to "seek out god" and tell me that I need to "find myself, so that [I] can see myself as beautiful and not as a pair of hooters" yet with just one letter you judge every female who has the aduacity to adorn herself in orange and white. Working at Hooters is not something to be ashamed about. I am in no way ashamed to be taking this job. (btw, if you saw my "hooters" you would know I dont have enough for them to be my reason for being hired. so thank you, but no thank you.)

On the next note, one of you asked me how I could even possibly get hired, as I have no breasts to speak of. Obviously, I have other qualities that made them want to hire me. that doesnt even merit a half civil response from me. Women are not their bodies. There are admirable qualities inside each one that make them a good friend, girlfriend, wife, mother, employee, etc. And no, they are not contained inside the titties. Try looking other places. Personally, I think the person who asked this questions should be ashamed of themselves for letting me know outright that this is how they think of women. (the person who asked this question was a man. go figure.)

Moving on. One girl who I do not know, and I have no idea how she even saw my status, as she is not friends with me on facebook, sent me a letter saying that I should be ashamed, because my body is a temple and by working at hooters, I am not treating it as such. Let me explain something to you people. I am a very religious person. I believe in God, i beleieve Jesus died for our sins, and I believe that he rose three days later...all that jazz. Big believer, go me. But the minute you try to jam YOUR beliefs down MY throat makes me think that you need a lesson in christianity yourself. In what way am i not treating my body as a temple? By donning a tank top and shorts? Cheerleaders wear less than that and nobody is berrating them.

On an ending note, lets try to look past the boob aspect, okay people?

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